What a long week.
I got to hug my dad again, meet his girlfriend, eat home-cooked meals, watch sappy movies, explore downtown Denver, sit in an Irish pub [while sipping a Pepsi], fall in love with Zac all over again, and cuddle with some adorable dogs.
I also got this skirt at H&M on Friday afternoon.
I'll be wearing it to Emily's wedding! Hooray! |
Happiness, happiness, happiness.
Zac and I finally made it back to Provo last night after a long day stuck at the Salt Lake bus station.
We left Denver at 12:40 am and got into Salt Lake at 10:35 am.
Our next bus was scheduled to leave Salt Lake at 6:50 pm therefore getting us in Provo by 8 or so.
Then we'd have to walk the four miles from the bus station in Provo all the way to our apartment.
With 5 pieces of luggage.
We were placing our suitcases grudgingly in an expensive locker at the bus station when a woman came up to us and said she'd talked with one of the workers and had them place her luggage in a back room b/c she'd be in Salt Lake for 8 hours.
We followed suit.
Flashback: On our 4 hour layover when we were going to Denver, Zac and I went on a walk and stumbled on a mall! We window shopped, ate some cheap Applebee's, and shared some Rocky Mountain Chocolate. We had no idea we would be getting a date. I pulled Zac into Anthropologie, myself never being in the actual store. We found
this and
this and
this and were shocked at the prices. haha]
Our last night in Colorado before our midnight bus. |
After putting our stuff in the back room, we decided to go back to the mall.
We ate McDonalds [$6 total], window shopped, and read for several hours in Barnes & Noble.
Zac texted Tim to ask him if he could pick us up [b/c he works in Salt Lake]. He obliged.
We got back to the bus station around 2:30 pm, expecting to get our stuff and wait for Tim to pick us up.
How wrong we were.
Come to find out, the ticket office and the terminal closes from 12 pm-5 pm. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. WTF.
We stood outside the back room door, paced the bus station, and stalked potential bus station workers for several hours. By that point, I was tired, hungry, sweaty, and just plain filthy. Zac was stressed and frustrated. We both just wanted go home, shower, eat dinner, and fall into bed.
Tim shows up at 4, ready to take us home, but we still don't have our stuff. We think some workers will show up b/c a bus arrival is expected at 4:30. The bus never comes.
At our wits end, we finally flag down a worker, he opens the back room, we grab our stuff, and head home.
After thanking Tim profusely for everything he did that day, Zac made some Shells and Cheese, while I started unpacking our luggage. I got two suitcases back from my dad that I'd left in Colorado last July, so being reunited with my clothes and knickknacks was AMAZING. I won't be needing clothes for a long time. And that is so happy, I think.
We ate our dinner, showered, and spent our evening together.
We slept late today, he made me breakfast in bed, and now I'm setting out to finish unpacking my long lost clothes. haha :]
We found out yesterday my older sister Pam is engaged!
Good break, if I do say so myself.