
5. Why I'm Happy :D

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

Happy Reason #1
We've watched this video too many times the past couple of nights after work...Don't judge.

Happy Reason #2
He's just way too adorable.

Happy Reason #3
A letter I got from last semester's English teacher, Carol Lynch Williams.

If you can't read it very well, here you go!
Dear Chelsea,
I just wanted you to know how awesome it was to have you in class this past semester. You are sooo talented. Really. I know you're a movie/script girl, but I'd love to pull you to the "dark side" of Children's Literature. This story of yours is smart and full of potential...but dear Chelsea...no more rewriting! Finish the draft! I know you can. Go fast. Leave out the detail. Write to the climax and end then start the editing process.
You're funny and smart (on the page and in real life). You can do it! Ha!
So keep in touch and let me know what happens...
Your biggest fan--

Happy Reason #4
The best grades I've ever received.

Happy Reason #5
My outfit today.


4. Dear 16-year-old me

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

Why, hello there, 16-year-old Chelsea.
(Photo by Michaelyn)

1. Don't get so stressed with Algebra and Geometry--you're gonna do Theatre in college. It's okay.
2. Keep studying hard--you're going to BYU.Yeah, you heard me. :]
3. I know you've had to wait until now to date...but trust me, good and bad things are gonna come with opening your heart. Be ready for that. Be ready for the hardest couple of years of your life with regards to men. You'll break hearts. Your heart will be broken. You've had it rough with men in the past and I wish I could tell you it'll get better throughout high school. But I can't. However...
4. You're gonna get married to your best friend in four years (6/24/11). In the LA temple. All in white. With the man who would never hurt you and you'd never hurt. 
*Your husband, btw, was ranked 8th in the world for Tetris--and he played professionally. Yeah, get stoked.*
5. I know the parents are driving you crazy right now--like with getting a job and acting your age and staying on top of everything--but in five years, you'll want to tell them everything that's going on in your life. Like. All. The. Time.
6. I know it's been hard fitting in with friends and not-so-friends because of religion. Love your friends and not-so-friends even if they don't understand what it is you believe in. Remain true to your friends and to your testimony and everything will fall into place as it should. 
7. I know you wanna write--keep at it. I know you wanna act--it's so new to you. Keep that close.
8. You just found out you have ovarian cysts. YOU ARE STRONG. Keep running in XC and track.
9. Never forget how beautiful you are--and I know you tend to compare yourself to others' achievements and goals. You'll still do that in five years, trust me. Just know you're amazing and you have people near you and people in your future who love you just the way you are.
10. Stop popping those zits.



3. My Parental Relationship

3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

My relationship with my parents has gone through stages.

Baby//Toddler//Pre-Teen Chelsea
Dad: DAW.
Mom: NO.

Teenager Chelsea

College Chelsea

I never remember my parents together, parenting me. They got a divorce when I was three. However, whenever my parents are together now, they make each other laugh so easily and I can see where the friendship formed between them. I can also see where personalities may have clashed...and I honestly don't know how my life would've played out if they hadn't divorced. Two big parent personalities raising a big personality daughter? Say what.
Regardless, my relationship with them is pretty awesome--or much more awesome than in times past. As a teenager, I definitely had my "loose cannon" moments (which you'll probably read more about as this 30 Things thing continues). Now I'm much more mellow (as I'd like to think my parents are as well) and we get along swimmingly.
My mother actually just came out from Arizona to visit for a weekend--my first time seeing her since I got married last June. She came out to see me perform in "The Bear" by Chekhov and "Hedda Gabler" by Ibsen. She spoiled us rotten with new lamps, picture frames, pictures, food, socks, and a curling iron (the curling iron is for me, not Zac, btw). 
Thank you, Mom!!
Dad, Zac, and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break with one another last year--my first time seeing him since July 2010 (and Dad's first time meeting Zac...ahem). Dad's relationship with me has nearly always been long distance. He hasn't lived in the same city as me since I was 10. While I was growing up, he called me and my brother every Sunday night and talked with us for a good hour.
Both of my parents have been through a lot.
And they have taught me a lot.
I have learned a lot from their experiences.

I can't wait to be a mommy because of them.
But that won't be for a long while.
(Don't worry Mom and Dad)


2. Fears

2. Describe three legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

Fear #1//The Dark
I think some of the hardest times I ever had as a little girl was falling asleep at night. I slept on the top bunk, my brother on the bottom, with Julie on the other side of the room. Both of my siblings always fell asleep before me--sometimes Julie would ask me to talk with her before she fell asleep. It was after they'd fallen asleep I was left alone in the dark. Somehow all the noise in the house would amplify and turn menacing. The shadows lengthened along the walls and made weird shapes on the ceiling. The house came alive and there were many times I thought the dark was going to "get me."

Fear #2//Inadequacy
My struggles with self-esteem and confidence kind of go way back. Like way way back. I was born premature (3 1/2 months early--1 lb. 12 oz.) and my body type has always been small. Petite. It's taken me a long time to actually accept my physical appearance--middle school was rough. I remember many times getting so frustrated with my body--it never looked like the other girl's. I wanted to be taller, with a more "womanly" physique. I wanted to be popular--I wanted what other girls had. But that never quite happened. In high school, I became much more outgoing and confident. Now in college, I find myself much more reserved--I have a "quiet confidence," I guess you could say. Inadequacy is always on my mind, though.

Fear #3//Losing Zac
I don't know what it is about being married that's made me obsess over losing Zac sooner rather than later. Seriously. I lay in bed next to him, trying to fall asleep, and sometimes think "He could be gone tomorrow." Creepy, right? haha I promise I'm not some depressed, cooped-up, married housewife with nothing else to think about besides my husband dying and living with cats for the rest of my life. It's just those little random moments when I think about losing my best friend. That's utterly terrifying to me.


1. 20 Random Facts

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

1. I finally got into the DINOSAUR class I've wanted for three years! Best senior year ever!
2. I hate pulpy orange juice. Whenever I drink it, it feels like I'm drinking aliens.
3. If I was to ever get drunk, I think I'd either be all over the place or passed out in my own tears. haha
4. I once had a dream that I was with the Power Puff Girls and we wore sparkly swimsuits and rode unicorns into a rainbow. hahaha (Never repeat that to anyone) :]
5. When I was little, my next door neighbors were gypsies.
6. I used to have a stutter.
7. I love to make collages!!! Gah--Give me some magazines, scissors, glitter glue and you won't see me again. haha :]
8. I still have yet to fly a kite at night.
9. I have a ganglion cyst on my hand.
10. I found out my sophomore year of high school I had ovarian cysts. My running was never the same after that.
11. There are just certain bands/songs that make me thing of certain people. Train = Mom. Jimmy Buffett = Daddy. Panic! at the Disco/Ok Go/Escape the Fate = Jim. Cartel = Smantha. Paramore (All I Wanted) = Zac. :]
12. BYU wasn't my first pick for college--I wanted to go to a more "liberal" school or strictly "artistic" school. When I got in to BYU, I instantly knew I needed to go there. Neat? I think so.
13. Zac makes fun of me for still listening to Blink-182 and Yellowcard.
14. I do an awesome chicken and turkey impression. Awesome for other people, embarrassing for me.
15. I'm a huge sucker for roller coasters.
16. My future kitties names: Mishka, Kamikaze, and Ampersand.
17. When my brother and I were little, we made up Pokemon and fought each other. Full costume and everything.
18. I had my first "bf" when I was 10 years old. haha.
19. A substitute teacher in middle school misread/mispronounced my name in PE. It sounded like "Shaleese." I told that story to my trumpet section leader when I was a sophomore, hoping to seem "cool," and then he gave me the nickname "Chaleese." Merp.
20. I've been pulled over four times and never gotten a ticket. Ever. Awesome.


My 30 Things List!

I've come to the conclusion that since school is over, I will dedicate my summer to blogging EVERYDAY. Oh my goodness--it's gonna be hard. But I think with this handy dandy list, the first month will just zoom by. :]
Starting tomorrow, I'll answer each of these prompts honestly--no holding back! I promise! Zac and I officially got full time jobs last Friday afternoon. That means working all the time and so much money. haha We've talked about it and we've agreed to get a newer, better camera as the summer continues. I can't wait to take awesome pictures for this here blog. If you guys have any suggestions for awesome cameras between $200-$300, send them our way! :]

Here's the list and here we go!
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

Found list here.


Rainbow feathers and bricks

I know my mother is dying to hear about my life through this here blog...It's been such a long time! HI YOU GUYS! How are you? You doing okay? You making it through the hard times? You smiling? You laughing? I hope so. :) haha 

The past couple of weeks have been unreal crazy. Like where did all this busy come from? And can it go away soon? haha :)  

I have all A's.
I was hired as a Theatre History TA for next year (Fall 2012-Winter 2013)!
I am in two shows currently: Hedda Gabler and The Bear!
I was invited to the Outstanding Theatre Arts Student Award Ceremony next week for Playwriting!
Zac got a full time job for the summer!
Zac's mother sent us an Easter basket box! 
(Thank you Karen :])

So you wanna know something funny that isn't really funny? Life is like a pillow fight. You think the pillows will explode into millions of rainbow feathers when they slam into your face but then they hit you and they're full of bricks. After you get hit in the face with the brick filled pillows, some teeth might fall out and you might get a concussion, but then you pick up another pillow and one tiny rainbow feather pops out. 

haha I don't know if that made any sense, but what I mean to say is this: Life may seem to be going awesome and then something hits you and you find out what's really going on--even if it wasn't what you expected, it may be better than before. I'll just suffice it to say that a huge door slammed in my face on Monday--one that I thought would be opening up for me. 
(Cue the bricks)

Another door opened!!!!
(Cue the rainbow feathers)

I was invited to the Theatre Arts Student Award Ceremony for BYU next Tuesday night! :D I'm not exactly sure "why" but I do know it has something to do with my Playwriting. :) Yippee skippee, look out world. Chelsea got swag.

I promise I'll write more happy thoughts later with more details and all that jazz. I just need to get back to that dumb reading prompt. Ugh. Death and the King's Horseman. I love the play...I just don't want to analyze it right now. :( Wah. A lot of writing this weekend and two Hedda and The Bear shows on Saturday. SO MUCH BUSY.

I just really love this song.