
Albus the Fat Cat and My Kiddies

After a six and half hour rehearsal for A Wrinkle in Time, it's quite wonderful falling onto our couch next to Albus, the fat black cat. He's not OUR fat black cat, but our neighbor's. (: Hello, Albus.
Mostly this post is just an excuse to share the CUTE faces of the kids I get to see everyday. (: Today we got out the bikes and there was perfect mayhem on the playground. Sigh. I am still learning names! Sorry I don't know all of them. ):
Andrew's just two, so he couldn't get on the bigger bikes. He was quite put out, until I whipped out my camera and snapped a picture of him! haha A smile beamed across his face.

Asia's my little helper and likes it when I'm her baby girl and she's the mom. We go on frequent shopping trips to Walmart and buy Chicken Nuggets. haha The purple thing she's holding is a small bunny named after my mom's first name, "Alicia." I had to sing the bunny to sleep because she had allergies and multiple boo-boos. (:

These two are quite the duo. I don't remember the other's name, but she's a sweetheart and likes to show me her ballerina moves.

I LOVE HIM. SO MUCH. Ryder loves helping me and asking me questions and proposing to all the girls on the playground. He asked me to marry him the other day and gave me a flower. He's seriously the sweetest little boy. The other day he asked me to get all the babies so he could hold them. He wanted to hold the babies. !!! Today he asked me to help him find his Spiderman action figure. In his words, "I have a toy and his name is Spiderman." !!!!! CAN YOU HANDLE IT?!

Andrew totters after me all day long. (:

I don't remember this awesome dude's name, but he's pretty stinkin' cool. He almost karate chopped me.

My first official day, Jasmine came home from school with the other big kids and saw me on the playground. She shouted, "Chelsea!!!" and then catapulted herself in the air and hugged me tight.
Basically, I don't deserve the life I'm living, but somehow I am anyway.


Home Alone

Long time no see you guys! Ah! How are you? I hope stupendous. (:

Life's been pretty amazing as of late. Writing screenplays for a hopeful job, spending my mornings with four and five year olds, and plowing through five hour rehearsals almost every weeknight with 8 hour rehearsals on Saturdays for A Wrinkle in Time. Tonight, I had a night off...so I'm chowing down on some leftover Cafe Rio in my pajamas. Haha No shame. Our new home feels so good to be in alone. It feels like I'm in a small, fraying pocket inside a cozy sweater that cuddles close. Yeah. Perfection.

Zac's at work until later on tonight and I'm enjoying the time to think and jam out to my music and clean the house before his return. Blink 182, Mayday Parade, Lights...Ah. Doesn't get much better than that. (:

After three sessions at the preschool, I CAN'T BELIEVE MY LIFE. I've given and gotten hugs. I've flapped my butterfly arms and helped the kids perform monkey bar flips. I look forward to waking up early and spending my mornings with them. Hearing them call me "Teacher" melts my heart. It's wonderful teaching them my name, them stuttering it out, and forgetting just seconds later. GAH. KIDS.

A Wrinkle in Time has finally entered into tech week and we go up next Wednesday for an audience. WHAT. Mrs Who's super pumped to get her sassiness onstage for all the kiddies. (: I feel like I've finally got Mrs Who pegged down for my body and voice. It took a while and a lot of patience from everyone, but I'm so glad they were so encouraging. If you can come, do, please! May 29th-June 15th. You can get tickets here. (: