
A Post About Being Married and Acting :)

Here's an early good morning to you!
There's nothing like taking a hot shower the morning after a long day that went really really well. :)
I finally found my character for the show I'm in, "Hedda Gabler."
It's taken me a while-and I'm not quite sure why-but I know I did some deep soul searching and figured some stuff out. Anne Shakespeare, the head artistic director of Utah Shakespeare in the Park, was my first TA in an acting class here at BYU and she pushed me farther than I ever thought possible. She came to a rehearsal last Thursday night and I hadn't seen her since that first acting class (2+ years). Yeah.
She watched me perform.
And talked with me for 2 hours after rehearsal.
Let's just say my performance wasn't awesome. :( I was drowning in confusion and doubt.
Anne laid her wisdom on me:

The reason why I was hitting brick walls with my acting is because I'm married.
That might sound awful, but keep in mind, besides my role in "The Stronger" (where I portrayed a married woman) this is my first role since getting married.
It does something to you, to your acting. Being married, I mean.
Once you become intimate with someone in such a sacred and personal way (like with a husband) you give half of yourself to him. It's like you are one in flesh.
I was confused with my acting because I'm not who I was when I was single. I'm just not. My priorities have changed. Husband=Number One.

But guess what?
Anne had me check out a book called, "Fascinating Womanhood." And I'm finding my femininity again-what makes being a woman so amazing. I've read a couple of chapters now and I applied what I've learned so far all day yesterday and amped it up when I first went onstage last night for rehearsal.

And I found my character!
My old confidence when I'd walk onstage was on fire.
My old sassiness when I'd nail my lines surged through me.
My old "stick it to the man" when I pursued an objective kept me motivated.

Just wanted to tell you the good news.


Preparing for Battle: The Pie Fight.

Good morning you guys! 
And Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya, too! 
(Imagine that said in a beautiful Irish trill)
I woke up twenty minutes ago with that awesome "It's Saturday" feeling. The husband is still in bed, snoozing. We've both had a long couple of days and it's so wonderful that the weekend is finally here. Lots of late nights/early mornings, tests, quizzes, rehearsals (more on that for a different post, methinks), frustrations that come with being newlyweds, and the joys of being newlyweds.
I have some pretty exciting news.

There will be pictures. 
There will be laughter.
There will be joy. 
(Was anyone else thinking There Will Be Blood? haha I promise there won't be.)
I've been looking forward to today since last Sunday when I heard about our ward's Pi Day Activity. Plenty of people are making pies for us to eat and plenty of pies will be made for throwing.
You know wanna know what I'll be doing?
But srsly. I can't wait to have a pie thrown in my face. I hope it doesn't hurt. >< haha I hope it's as awesome and fun as I've always thought it would be. 
Just for a moment, take a travel with me down memory lane.
I'm seven.
At my dad's apartment complex.
We're watching Saturday morning cartoons together in our pajamas. 
My brother is eating cereal.
We're on Nickelodeon.
And then a family pie fight ensues on tv.
Whipped cream everywhere.
Glasses smeared with pie filling.
The Dad thinking, "This is what I call family bonding time."
The Son thinking, "My sister's so dumb looking with pie all over her face!"
The Sister thinking, "I hate my brother *cry cry cry*"
The Mother thinking, "It's going to take a long time to get these stains out."
So amazing.
I turned to my dad and said, "I want that to happen to us."
He laughed for a really long time.

The day I've been waiting for.
13 years in the making.
It's finally here.

I need to come up with a hand sign like Katniss gives to District 12 from The Hunger Games. 
Okay, you guys.
The battle commences in T-minus 2 and a half hours.
May the best thrower win.