
My Shoelace Testimony

My heart's full, my eyes itchy, and my spirit at peace. Tonight was closing night for the Microburst Theatre Festival. I've watched all five performances this week, each time nervous and excited for whatever would come. All the actors did a fabulous job with the play scripts, though I may be a bit biased (shout out to Michael Comp and Jacob Swain in Shoelace)! Words can't express how touched and humbled I am at how a moment in my past has helped and informed others today, right now. How powerful is that? How awe-inspiring?
Granted, along with bearing my testimony through Shoelace, came the unprecedented worry and doubt of the audience's reaction. More so than any time I've bared my soul on the pulpit. But guess what? Each time Shoelace began, the Spirit settled on the audience and in me. Each time Shoelace ended, the Spirit calmed and electrified me, as well as the audience. It was palpable, and I'm not being some weird, theatre hippy haha. The audience's applause felt genuine each time Michael looked up, with the unspoken question so clear, "Who am I now?"
I am grateful for my past, present, and future. I am grateful for my struggles I've encountered up until now. Though I wasn't the typical 'BYU' student, I was a woman with questions about my worth, testimony, and value. I was confused, but hopeful in finding those answers. And, man, those answers only came through a harrowing journey. I remember the first time I tried praying after he left...My heart recently broken and my words unsure of themselves. I remember feeling myself split in two as soon as I kneeled next to my bed. Who was I to pray? Who was I to break up with this man? Who was I to love him? Who was I to choose a temple marriage? Who was I to want the Gospel and, at the same time, give it up? Who was I to question God's existence? Who was I?

Courageously ask, "WHO AM I?" and then forge ahead with bravery to find the answer. That is my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


move over james dean

After a long day of writing annotated bibliographies for my amazing ex-professor, Megan Sanborn Jones, it was a special treat getting on Facebook and seeing my show's trailer for the Microburst Theatre Festival. In just 8 days, The Shoelace will be performed at BYU for a paying audience, along with six other AMAZING plays written by other BYU students. You know how mega rad that is?

This weekend, I annotated 67 books, both before and after working 4 hours at Station 22. Took me 5 and a half hours, but they got done. The finished product (all of the articles and books and EVERYTHING) turned out to be 70 pages long. That's 3 months of work all in one document. Haha! I still have a few more things to do, but they're on the back burner for now. (: Tonight, Zac and I went coat shopping. We found several contenders, but in the end, I walked away with a new coat from Zumiez and we're gonna go hunting for Zac again soon!

You know what's also mega rad? Knowing your style and marching to the beat of your own drum. I like that I feel like "me" in a leather/sweater/punk-ish coat, rather than a classic trench. I like that I feel most like "me" when I'm not wearing makeup or when my hair air dries. It's just so nice figuring yourself out, even if it is what you see on the outside.


Edward Scissorhands Hair

Well, folks. Today marks two weeks of consistent, everyday almost everyday workouts, and better eating habits! Not much difference in my body's appearance, but A HUGE difference in energy, enthusiasm for life, and all around good-boopity-bop-feelings. (: THE OLD CHELSEA IS MAKING A COMEBACK. For your entertainment, here's a quick run down of my weight workout this morning (most of which when I started, I couldn't even do). (:

Squats- 50 lbs (25 reps)
Rows- 40 lbs (30 reps)
Shoulder Press- 20 lbs (25 reps)
Self Pull Ups (No Assistance)- 4 reps (haha I killed my arms by this point)

Tomorrow is my timed mile day. (Goal Time: 7:30) Which is scary writing for everyone to see, as four years ago, I ran my PR (6:10) and nearly died at the finish line. BUT GUESS WHAT. Zac and I are competing in our first race since high school on Saturday! A Free 5K Walk/Run Against Abuse on BYU campus. GET HYPE, BABY. GET HYPE.

Also, excuse my Edward Scissorhands hair. Or don't. Whichever you prefer. (:


Pixie Pigtails and Sassifrass Shorts

Oh, hey there. Didn't notice you...staring. I know you can't help yourself. I'm just that good looking. Not bragging, but just got back from Lowes Xtreme Air Sports. Did three 3/4 back flips off a hand swing into a foam pit. Did multiple front flips into said foam pit. Tackled Zac into a foam pit. Yeah...pretty balla.

*Arm Flex*

Alright. Gonna go ahead and stop there. (:

The promised post of all things Body-Image-Self-Confidence-and-Female-Empowerment-ness! AWESOME. 

Almost everyday this week (except Friday ><) I went to the gym, either to lift weights or do cardio. M/W/Not F I did weights (weighted squats, bench press, dead lifts, dips, pull ups, rows...ugh typing that made me tired) and T/Th I did cardio (2 miles at a 9:40 pace//1 mile fartlek and a timed mile [7:40]). 

Zac and I also stuck to a dinner menu for the week, ate small//healthy breakfasts, and snacked throughout the day. GUYS. My body has no idea what's going on and I think I'm okay with that. It'll soon know what's up and who's in charge. ME. hahaha I can't wait to see more improvements, in my weights, cardio times, and physical appearance. I just have to keep at it! Fight the fight and all that good stuff.

Go ahead and take a gander at this rainbow gem. I call it, "Pixie Pigtails and Sassifrass Shorts."