
Pixie Pigtails and Sassifrass Shorts

Oh, hey there. Didn't notice you...staring. I know you can't help yourself. I'm just that good looking. Not bragging, but just got back from Lowes Xtreme Air Sports. Did three 3/4 back flips off a hand swing into a foam pit. Did multiple front flips into said foam pit. Tackled Zac into a foam pit. Yeah...pretty balla.

*Arm Flex*

Alright. Gonna go ahead and stop there. (:

The promised post of all things Body-Image-Self-Confidence-and-Female-Empowerment-ness! AWESOME. 

Almost everyday this week (except Friday ><) I went to the gym, either to lift weights or do cardio. M/W/Not F I did weights (weighted squats, bench press, dead lifts, dips, pull ups, rows...ugh typing that made me tired) and T/Th I did cardio (2 miles at a 9:40 pace//1 mile fartlek and a timed mile [7:40]). 

Zac and I also stuck to a dinner menu for the week, ate small//healthy breakfasts, and snacked throughout the day. GUYS. My body has no idea what's going on and I think I'm okay with that. It'll soon know what's up and who's in charge. ME. hahaha I can't wait to see more improvements, in my weights, cardio times, and physical appearance. I just have to keep at it! Fight the fight and all that good stuff.

Go ahead and take a gander at this rainbow gem. I call it, "Pixie Pigtails and Sassifrass Shorts."

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