
it's the sound of the lost gone found

You know how I said I probably wouldn't post again until after the semester? I'm surprising myself! Here I am, writing you. The apartment looks like a whirlwind came crashing through the rooms; my mascara from the day before is smeared under my eyes; and I have a lot to get done this weekend. Here's to hoping everything will work itself out (and I'll be productive after a week of ridiculous expectations). Over Thanksgiving break, I plan on posting about Women of Faith, my brother going into the MTC, and me baking my first pie. I'll be sure to have my camera at the ready. :) Today's gonna be a good day. Also, Alison Sudol is ADORABLE. So excited to see and hear new things from her.



You guys.
This semester hasn't killed me yet!
Can you believe it's already November? I for one, cannot. Just two weeks and three days until Thanksgiving Break and I'm so pumped!
Quick rundown of my life right now: 5-6 hours of sleep every night, classes anywhere from 8am-5pm, auditions, callbacks, rehearsals, makeup help backstage, stage crew shenanigans, kicking butt and taking names with my TA awesomeness, homework all over the place, and a very dirty apartment.
That's me, every single day. On Tuesday, I was on campus from 7:45am until MIDNIGHT. Not kidding, people. But goodness, I couldn't ask for a more theatre filled senior year. :)

\\Good News//
I'm in BYU's main stage A Wrinkle in Time! It goes up next spring, after I'm graduated. Rehearsals start next Wednesday.
My brother goes into the MTC for his mission this Wednesday. He'll be serving in Boise, Idaho! He gets here Monday. I haven't seen him since getting married (so about a year and four months) and I'll have to say goodbye two days later. And not see him for two more years. Good vibes and thoughts would be lovely for him and myself. :)
I submitted a ten minute and one-act play for KCACTF (Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival) two weeks ago! I may write a whole new, full length play before December 1st for it as well, but may just wait until next year.
A student sent me an email two days ago. At the end of his email he said, "Thanks for your work as a TA. You're one of the best TA's I've ever had." !!!!!!! AH. Life complete. :)

Awesome zombie makeup.

I did a stylized adorable Halloween makeup! It's supposed to like a pumpkin sitting outside your door. :)

We have a script for Women of Faith! Being a devised piece, this is a wonderful accomplishment, seeing as we got it done in one week.
Opera Awesomeness!

Backstage is where I live.
Wicked cool Waldo Zombie makeup. Hooray Halloween!
She is the best ever. For more insight into her Halloween costume, go watch this rad video.