I'm lightly tapping a yellow balloon back and forth with my sister. "GAH! WATCH OUT, JULIE! THE BALLOON CAN'T HIT THE FAN! Oh, okay. You've got it." :)
[And now for an irrelevant and nonsensical interlude]
I have the world's biggest sweet tooth. I mean, really. I just can't get enough of my tasty treats. Ghirardelli Square. Dark chocolate. Raspberry filling. Goosebumps are literally forming on my arms and legs as I take my last bite.
Goooooneeeee.... :(
That little piece of Heaven just disappeared. Ah, well. I have so many other happy things to muse over. Last night I had my bridal shower with a small get together of four women from church. Mom and I invited 20 women to come celebrate three weeks ago (with handmade invitations BAM) and only four came. I was a little bit disappointed, but also relieved. I don't really know anyone here, so a smaller group was much more enjoyable in the end. While mom and I waited anxiously for people to show up, I was so nervous about what they'd think of me. >< I remembered my high school days. Oh goodness. hahaha I was never invited to parties and that's fine and all.
Honestly, I'm better off just staying home, away from crowds. I'll undoubtedly embarrass everyone around me and myself. ><
But the women who did come were so awesome! We laughed and shared stories and they wanted to know all about me and Zac. I awkwardly stumbled through our detailed chronological history and even cried several times. hahaha Such a freaking girl. >< Zac and I got several thoughtful gifts for our future apartment: cookie sheet, crock pot, measuring cups, a bright orange knife, a hand mixer, and four gorgeous plates! It feels so good to say "future apartment." :)
At this point, I'm just twiddling my thumbs, anxiously ready for my future. Cake needs met, bishop interview for the temple complete and meeting with the stake president tomorrow afternoon. I have my veil, the dress fits better than it did when I first got it, I'm looking smashing, if I do say so myself. hahaha Everything is seemingly falling into place. :) Grandpa told me yesterday that this is my "precursor marriage." I laughed, "Okay, Grandpa!" I have heard that most people go through two marriages before finally settling down with the third partner. And statistics are grossly pessimistic, divorce rates increasing. What a disgusting word. Divorce.
On a personal note, I'm really struggling right now with my family relationships. I won't go on about it here, but I hate divorce. I hate how it altered everything in my childhood. I hate how it still hurts today. I hate that I haven't seen my dad since last July. I hate that I feel like I have something to prove because I'm getting married at 20. Judging eyes. Smiles that already suggest sympathy for a doomed marriage.
Well, my eyes only hold hope and faith. My smile hasn't been this sincere in a long time.
[And it isn't going away].
1 comment:
I love love love this last bit Chelsea :) and never fear, the statistics people site are never the ones pertinent to temple marriage. you guys are going to be fine :)
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