Happy Belated Friday!
I've already broken the one rule I made for myself, as Zac informed me today: To only write on my bloggity blog on Fridays. How is that for consistency and dedication? Ah, American youth. ;) But seeing as my Friday yesterday was out-of-this-world-crazy (like the rest of the week), I'm writing on a Saturday evening. Deal with it. :) haha I'm just joshing. But srsly.
So, Happy Saturday Evening!
All week long I've been contemplating what I should write for today's blog, for I am a freak. In fact, while walking about campus, going to class, hanging out with the hubby, and attending rehearsal, little and huge things have kept popping up...sometimes mysteriously...sometimes not...Odd...
Sunday evening, after General Conference was over, I suddenly remembered the boat ton of homework I needed to finish for Monday. Grumbling, I sat down at my designated love seat homework place and plowed through it. I just wasn't very motivated! I finally finished everything by 1 am or something. Let me copypasta my fb status from a couple of days ago... "
I threw a huge tantrum last night. "Tantrum?" You ask. "Chelsea's a mature 20 year old. She can't throw tantrums." CORRECTION. I CAN. I DID. I was really mad with how long my homework took me and how late I was going to bed AGAIN. I punched the mattress and the pillows and flung myself all over my room screaming, "I HATE HOMEWORK. I HATE EVERYTHING." Zac kept trying to calm me down and it finally worked when he said, "Chelsea, do a barrel roll." I did. And fell off the bed. We laughed for a long time." Obviously, win.
Tuesday, I woke to the sound of rain hitting the windowpane and immediately flew out of bed. I ran to the window, saw the rain, and smelled FALL. Zac woke up, after I flung the covers all over him. I asked him if he knew what rain meant. He said, "Wet?" (He was still sleepy) "No! RAINBOOTS!" I pulled out those puppies, put them on, and couldn't wait to go outside. Zac so kindly took pictures as we headed to class. He to a Chemistry lab, me to my Psych 111 lecture.
No shame. Back up. |
Cutie patooties. |
Later on that day, I got my grade back from my first 10 min play. Wasn't as awesome a grade as I'd originally planned. You can check out my other
bloggity blog for more info. :) I came home from play writing just depressed and frustrated. I had no idea where my third draft was gonna go, how to make more action or develop my characters. So, in the end, I decided to scrap it, start new, and see where my next play takes me. You can see more about that on my other blog.
I hadn't let myself have a good cry after that class on Tuesday, so by the time I got to rehearsal that night, it all avalanched out of me. There's a point in the script where I have a mental breakdown. And let me tell you. I WAS SOBBING AND I COULDN'T GET ANY OF MY LINES OUT AND IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. It was a specific choice I made while acting to just let it all go. My director and cast were so stunned after that run through, we decided to have a 10 minute potty break. I excused myself as quickly as I could and ran to the bathroom. My director came in to comfort me and make sure I was being a "healthy actor." She is the greatest. Man, I love her.
Wednesday was the longest day of my life so far this semester: Woke up @ 7am, Stage Combat @ 8 am, Homework @ 9, Theatre History @ 10, Go home, eat food, put on make up/cute clothes @ 11-1 only to find out it's pouring outside so I actually could have napped, Fund. Lit. Int. @ 1, MEET UP WITH POTER @ 2 WITH ZAC FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS, rehearsal @ 6-8, then more hw.
Thursday, I slept until 11:23 am, happier than I've been in a long time. I ate fruity dino bites, played with my markers on the kitchen table, and decided to wear quite the "hipster outfit" to celebrate...
Zooey Deschanal bangs anyone? |
Then I went to play writing and found out our teacher brought BAGELS!? I grabbed myself a cinnamon bagel, slathered it with strawberry cream cheese, and munched away. I found inspiration for my new play, which I fully intended to work on by going to library , but ran into Emily and instead walked her home. We talked for several hours. SO EXCITED FOR HER WEDDING, YOU GUYS. DECEMBER 17TH. AND HER ENGAGEMENT PICTURES ARE TOO ADORABLE. GAH!
Then at 5:40 pm, I got a surprise text from my director saying, "Hey all we have an invited audience today! We will meet in the nelke, perform for them at six forty five, then you can all leave for homecoming spectacular or whatever! :) yay!" DREAD. INSTANT NERVOUSNESS. I hugged Emily tight and ran to the HFAC, thanking the heavens I had my costume on hand. But then I remembered my hair ^see above and wondered how I'd look decent enough for an audience. However, there wasn't any time to worry about that. I got into costume, in character, and helped set up the stage all in 10 minutes then we did the show. Once again, I am amazed at Taylor's talent and how she consistently brings new things to the table. Our performance was really inspiring and I heard a girl say to Hannah as I exited the stage, "She was brilliant." As I smiled to myself behind the wall after my exit, I couldn't believe I deserved such a compliment. But it felt right to accept her praises and the Spirit filled me. Like this soaring euphoria of peace and like Heavenly Father was so pleased with me. :)
I just wanted to hug and kiss and skip all over the place. And on top of everything else, I loved my hair. haha In the end, my hair just looked amazing. I think I'll keep doing the flippy-bang-I-don't-care-aren't-I-cute? look.
That happiness spilled over into my cleaning frenzy I had later on that night :)
I wear mismatching socks. nbd. |
Friday, as mentioned earlier, was super busy with classes and my first "real" performance of "The Stronger." We performed for one of David Morgan's beginning acting classes. David Morgan was my beginning acting teacher! So that was fun. And as we packed up to leave, so many people told me, "You were great," "You were amazing," and "I love shows like this. You were brilliant." Being the awkward mess I am, I just mumbled, "The playwright knew what he was doing and I just say what he wrote. But thank you!" haha It was a little awkward because I recognized one of the girls in his class as being at the callbacks for the show. I tried very hard not to make eye contact with her. I thought I'd melt or spontaneously combust. Merp.
Then I marched to the library, studied for a Psych test for 4 hours, then took the exam. I only found out the day before from a TA that if we were planning on taking the test on Monday, which was the last day to take it, they don't hand out 200 tests. Therefore, if you don't take it before Monday, you could very well not have a test to take. So I had to take it last night and I didn't feel anywhere near prepared as I would have if I'd taken it on Monday like I originally planned. However, my grade was only lowered to an 85. I'm still gonna get an A. But crimeny!
I came home after that failblog test and cuddled with Zac. We watched "I Am Legend" and then went to sleep. I woke up this morning at 7 and was at the library from 8 to 11:30am studying for a theatre history test. Five short answer questions and one essay. Why do I do so much better at short answer and essay tests than multiple choice? Not fair. :( But I left the test feeling awesome about my study habits and motivation. I came home from campus elated and once again cuddled with Zac. We watched new episodes of both "New Girl" and "Glee."
I woke up from a four hour nap an hour ago.
Zac's making me dinner and it smells AMAZING in our apartment.
Here's to the little events in life that make the big things seem small! :)