My best friend, Emily Buhler, married her cute boyfriend, Tim Loveless, yesterday in the Mount Timpanogos temple! Zac and I were blessed enough to witness the temple sealing with some family and friends of Emily and Tim's. The spirit was so strong in the sealing room: full of love, hope, and faith. I cried the moment Emily and Tim entered the room and the waterworks never shut off, they only got worse. hahaha While hugging Emily and Tim after the ceremony, I was filled with a promise and reassurance that my life was on the right path at the right time with the right person.
The happy couple! Yay! |
I was so ecstatic I got this picture. |
True happiness right there. |
As I witnessed Emily and Tim's sealing, I felt and pondered my membership of the Church and felt and pondered some more. Guys, the best decision of my life was choosing to believe again. Choosing to change my heart and open myself up to new experiences lead to where I am today: I am sealed to my best friend for time and all eternity.
There's something ethereal and quiet about the temple; something I'm still trying to figure out and probably never will in this life. There's a different atmosphere, a special buzz or warmth encompassing any temple. You can feel it if you're open to the promptings. Sometimes, though, vulnerability and softness are far from where you are or far from where you want to be.
Emily's mother made her cape! Gorgeous, if you ask me. |
Handsome boys are handsome. |
I've been reading in Alma 33 the past couple of days. I haven't read my scriptures regularly in quite some time and I dedicated myself the other day to searching them with questions for each study session. Just as with any new learning opportunity, answers happen with time and patience for me. I don't know what it is exactly, but nothing has ever manifested itself with obvious or straightforward clarity the first time. I have to ask the question, experiment, get it wrong, then go back to square one and start fresh with a more refined or completely different question. Obviously, this process makes school SO HARD and time consuming. I don't think of myself as a perfectionist anymore; it took a while to get out of that rut, let me tell you. :] Now, I use my constant questioning as a way to fuel imagination and hard work. My questioning is more than just academic, it's spiritual as well.
There are times when I don't listen for an answer because I'm so focused on my desired outcome; even if that desire starts out as a righteous one, I've let myself become so wrapped up in the moment, and found myself selfishly wanting rather than selflessly needing.
Being worthy to enter the temple yesterday with my husband to witness Emily and Tim's sealing taught me something I came to understand over a course of several years: Never take anything for granted. Ever.
Emily's theme for the reception was Stargazing.
Quite appropriate with the suspended lights. |
Emily designed her own cake!
She wanted to recreate the night Tim proposed to her.
"And now, my brethren, I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell even so nourish it by your faith. And behold, it will become a tree springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this can ye do if ye will. Amen."
-Alma 33:23
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm a Christian. Through Christ's Atonement, I have found an eternal joy so unfathomable, it doesn't seem real at times. But in all the sincerity I can gather, it's real. It's as real as I am. I am a living, breathing, loving, questioning, experimenting, mistake-making, and choice-making human being. But more than that, I am a human being with eternity outstretched before me. Eternity is forever, just as I am.
Best friends :] |
Me and that one guy...He's really cute, no? |
My fabulous outfit with the skirt I got from H&M! |
Now, I'm gonna go play Super Mario Kart with Zac! Wee!
This is auch an awesome post! Could any mother be more proud of her daughter than I? I think NOT! Thank you, dear, for making that all-important decision to change your life and...and listen to your MOTHER...and marry the right man in the right place. I love you!!!
hahahhaa No problem, mom! :] Thank you for being patient with me when I know it must have been difficult. :]
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