
24 hour theatre and i wanna dance BAM

NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT! I am a free woman!
Look out, someone's happy. And that someone is me.
Saturday night I was in BYU's ETC's 24 Hour Theatre Project! 
I planned on waking up at 6:45 am, showering, eating breakfast, looking cute, you know? Plenty of time to get to the HFAC by 8 am, right? 
I woke up at 7:54 am. 
7. 54. am. 
My alarm decided to not make an appearance on Saturday morning. I jumped out of bed screaming, "7:54 AM 7:54 AM ZAC, ZAC!" He woke up and emailed ETC; I hopped in the shower, got out, dressed, rubbed my eyes, and opened the front door. Guess what I found? SNOW. SNOW. SNOW. Everywhere.
I kissed Zac goodbye and ran for my life, unsure if ETC would give my part to someone who took their role seriously enough to be on time.
(This was my first ETC project)
As I ran through Provo's first snow that Saturday morning, I imagined myself some awesome female rogue killing machine spy ninja...hahhaa It was so completely awesome! No one was up that early, so all the snow was clean and white, no footprints. My dark hair flew around me and contrasted so nicely with the snow. I could see my breath. I remember thinking, "Someone's gonna see my footprints later!" I don't know why that's such an amazing thought, but I think it is. So often, I see other people's footprints in the snow. But now they'd see mine! (I'm a lame-o.)
Ladies and gentlemen, I stepped inside the warm warm HFAC at 8:07 am.
Normally it's a 9-15 minute walk to campus.

From then on (8:07am-12pm) I met my cast and director, memorized lines/blocking, and had a wonderful time. 1pm-3pm we rehearsed some more. 3pm-3:30pm we ran the show twice in the Nelke theater, where we'd perform later that night. 3:30pm-5pm we rehearsed some more. 5pm-5:30pm we ran the show three times in the Nelke. Dinner. I ran lines on my own for half an hour. At 6:50pm we met up and did a quick read through without our scripts. Show started at 7:30pm.
We were the last of five 10 minute plays to perform and ROCKED IT.
And then ROCKED IT again at the 9pm show.
Zac, Emily, and Tim came to the second show and I can't put into words how happy I was to see all of them afterwards. We walked home together (Emily and Tim live just across the parking lot from us, yay!)
The snow was covered in many footprints, btw.
I will never get over the rush of finding my position onstage in complete darkness, hoping to beat the lights in 3 seconds. I will never get over the butterflies in my stomach as I realize I have the first line, it's real, we're on, we're live. I will never get over the exhilaration as I react to my fellow actors onstage. I will never get over a full house audience laughing at my ridiculous antics onstage (think a 5'2" and 103 lbs girl jumping on a demon-possessed girl's back with wild ferocity...YEAH). I will never get over the feeling of relief and empowerment after the last line is said, we take each other's hands, and bow for a standing audience.
Theatre is the best.
Other than that, I just been pretty busy with schoolwork and taking care of us. We're doing awesome, btw. He's been completely adorable lately, pulling me out of my chair and away from frustrating hw...hahaha We've had a lot of laughing fits. It's so unreal I get him forever.
We went to BK and Walmart today to do some errands and I DROVE. Man, you guys. It feels so good driving with my hubby next to me, rocking out to...
Party Rock Anthem
We had so much fun jamming to this song.
"Get up get down put your hands up to the sound! Whoa!"
I put my hands up and Zac reminded me to keep one hand on the wheel.
I totally had one hand on the wheel.


Mom said...

I so totally LOVE reading your stuff. Your enthusiasm is palpable and electric. You are one happy spirit having a wonderful mortal experience. Thanks for counting me worthy to be your mom.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. You make my life too happy! And thank you for your compliments. :) It's so wonderful how much reading scriptures everyday just brightens everything. :D