
My passions

8. What are 5 passions you have?

passion (noun): any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling.

what I'm passionate about:

expression. thought. beliefs. open-mind. patience.

romantic. platonic. unconditional.

education. experience. second chances.

husband. parents. siblings. extended family. future children. :D.

writing. acting. reading. finger painting. collages.

i felt like this post needed to be all lower-cased for some reason. but yeah. there's not much to this post, but i think simplicity is nice once in a while, you know? what i'm passionate about shouldn't be complex or over-written. it should be clear and stark. because that's what passion is, am i right? :] it's a "powerful or compelling emotion or feeling" and that isn't hard to understand. everyone has passions.

what are your passions?

30 Things

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