
peach plumb pear

Sometimes it's the simple gestures that bring a lot of happiness.
My visiting teaching companion, Andrea, and I brought this cute fruit basket over to Sherry's house tonight. I contributed the peach and Andrea had the ribbons. We tied them on and then traipsed across the quad to Sherry's apartment. She invited us in and we talked for a good while. Guys, I love socializing in small groups. Wonderful things happen. Sherry was baptized last December and she gave her first talk in church last Sunday. Her testimony is SO touching and heartfelt. As we talked, Sherry asked us if we could go with her tomorrow morning to pick up a friend of hers who's interested in the church.
And we agreed.
(By the way, her friend's name is Liao Yi Ni--and you say it like Ee Lee, which means something like "the color of the surface of the water." a;ljfddlkjafdas Gorgeous, right? My first name means "limestone." Ugh.)

I don't know what'll happen tomorrow, but I'm quite excited to find out!
I have butterflies in my stomach but tomorrow couldn't come faster.

So here's a music video.
Emily showed me this when we were freshmen.
And we burst into giggles every time we listened to it.


link list

What I've been up to lately...

Perfect summer song.
Kind of too excited for this.
Read read read.
Just realized how amazing clothes can be.
Another amazing song by the lumineers.


homemade ice cream bowls :D

Remove balloons from bowls.
Dip the rims in water.
Roll in sprinkles.
Ours came out a little funky.

Found recipe here.


one year anniversary...pt 2

When you have your sweetheart...
You can be yourself.
You can laugh.
You can cry.
You can hug.
You can eat good food.
You can frolic.
You can watch Brave.
You can hold.
You can comfort.
You can be there for him//her.

I love my sweetheart.
He did all of this with me today.
Today we celebrated our first year of marriage.
We also had a huge emotional surprise--one I'll never forget.
You're in my prayers, Daddy.


one year anniversary...pt. 1

WE'VE BEEN HITCHED FOR ONE YEAR! Ah! So stoked. And you wanna know something awesome? I got Zac to write a guest post in honor of today! We both made a list of 5 things we learned about each other since getting married last June. :) Here you go!

When asked to guest write for this post, Chelsea asked me to write 5 things I've learned about her since we've been married (since it's, like, our anniversary or something). I found it to be a lot harder than I thought. You see, unlike almost any other couple, I had the the opportunity to actively and passive-aggressively dislike Chelsea before I even considered being her friend. During this period, I was able to very successfully see the things in her I didn't like. Soon, I was forcing myself to see things in her I liked, and that list became so long and amazing that it made the things I thought I didn't like about her either turn into things I now adore or they were just trivialized in the grand scheme of things.

And then we dated for a year.
Despite our pre-marriage history, I keep discovering new things about her. In this list, I won't include sappy, cop-out things like "She has such a kind spirit!" or "I found out she was super funny," because I already knew those things. Hence, the marriage. So here are Five things I've learned about Chelsea:
1. She is a writer through and through - There are plenty of people who blog and write, but Chelsea is one of those that lives writing. At least twice a day she says "Ooh! That would be a good scene for a play!" Or "That would make really good dialogue in a book." The other day, she woke up at 8:30 and bolted out the bedroom, just saying "I need to write!" When inspiration hits, she doesn't ignore it. I love that about her.
2. She loves kids - She loves to hold and hug and cuddle with little kids. Nursery is a good fit for her. She's always nervous around kids, but once she gets over her "They might not like me" fear, she's great. She'll be a good mom someday. =]
3. She hates the phone - She will refuse to call anyone on the phone unless it's family. We'll be trying to organize something with some friends and she would rather text and be confused for 20 minutes than call and have everything sorted out in 5. She is absolutely terrified. And knocking on someone's door? NO FREAKING WAY.
4. She has very high expectations for herself - This is both good and bad. This makes her excel at pretty much anything she really tries, but when she falls short of anything, she gets very upset with herself. 
5. We are meant to be together - Okay, so I know I said I wouldn't be sappy, but I couldn't help it here. This I found out pretty soon after we got married (or it was solidified, anyway). I guess I knew it when I proposed, but I think it finally became official for me when I stopped regretting returning home from my mission. I didn't exactly have much of a choice, medical things brought me home, but I always wanted to go back. When I found out that wasn't in the cards, I would get mad at myself for being weak and coming home and getting married instead of sticking it out and getting married after my full two years were served. When I finally realized that I was supposed to come home so we could be together and be married and that feeling was repeatedly confirmed, I knew that everything worked out like it was supposed to. In short, we were meant to be together. I love her.

1) I didn’t realize how much Zac was into stand up comedy and comedy sketches until I married him. He introduced me to Louis C.K., his all time favorite comedian. He is also a huge fan of Jake and Amir…which he looks forward to watching every Tuesday and Thursday on College Humor. He loves anything with a vibrant, clever, wordy, and smart sense of humor—and spends a lot of time on Reddit. Ah, my nerd.

2) He is an oddball. Now, this one kind of made itself manifest while we were friends and dating, but marriage has really brought out his quirkiness. He can be so strange sometimes—and I find it incredibly hilarious and attractive. It’s like he’s so confident, he just lets his bizarre adorableness shine. His clever mannerisms and my outbursts of joy usually remain between the two of us—at home where we can’t be embarrassed. When other people are around, I’d like to think we seem normal enough. Sometimes though…we have moments at work when he throws a cheese stick at my head and I try unsuccessfully to stifle my giggles while on the phone. ><

3) He thinks of his future as our future—and is quite frugal. He wants to get into med school and become a doctor to take care of me and our future family, as well as both of our parents and families. Just as a side note, he’s INCREDIBLE with kids. I never knew that before I dated him and met his family. He loves to play with them, talk with them, and rough house with them. Sigh. Boys.

4) He is pretty accident prone—and VERY ridiculous when it comes to navigation. He got lost at church today when he went to find the bathroom. Not four days into our marriage, he hit his head on the edge of the pool while doing a back flip—we had to get him to the ER. Oh gosh. Scariest day of my life. The next day, he stepped on a sea urchin. Go figure. :)

5) He’s still my best friend—and a complete sweetheart. He doesn’t show that very often when we’re out and about, but he’s excellent at being a gentleman. It doesn’t feel like we’re people with “MR.” and “MRS.” signs hanging over our heads—we’re just best friends, hanging out, watching movies, and punching each other…while being in love. :)


my dream home

19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

More than likely, Zac and I'll end up in Southern California somewhere down the road--and I have absolutely no qualms with that. Simi Valley, where Zac's from, has really grown on me. The weather, the people, the atmosphere. Good golly I love California. Wherever Zac and I decide to settle down is fine by me as long as I have him with me.
*gag me, right?* 
Zac and I played this game on a date one time where we thought of the perfect combination of our future place to live.
He said, "Southern California but with warmer waters."
I thought long hard and then twisted my dream world into whirlwind of green Irish mountains, London cobblestone streets, South Carolina waters, Lawrence night life, and Bostonian/NYC hussle and bussle. haha I have no idea if there's any place on earth like that, but if I could live there, I'd never leave. :]

That dream world is a fun and healthy exercise for my creativity. I know I'm being silly and girlie. And hooray for that!

And without further adieu...here's my dream home (or the best I can do with random pictures from the interwebz)!
Thank goodness for Pinterest.

I also want a wall covered in paper for our future tots to color on whenever they please! I just can't find an adequate picture online. ><

haha And there you have it! The pretty and colorful dream home that's been inside me since I was a little girl. Obviously, these are just representations of what I have envisioned...and I highly doubt any of this will come to pass. But I had a lot of FUN putting this post together. My heart is full and I have a ton of butterflies in my stomach. 
Goodness gracious. 
Poor Zac.


the most difficult thing i've had to forgive

18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive? 

Pondering the answer to this question is hard...especially when I don't want to name names. My heart is racing and my stomach feels empty even though I just ate a whole plate of french fries with Zac.

When I got engaged in February 2011, I was wary calling Dad to tell him the news. He didn't want me getting married before graduating college. He wanted me to serve a mission for our church. But in preparation for Zac's visit to Utah during Valentine's weekend, I prayed a lot and with so much intensity, that I knew deep down that I could get married sooner rather than later and that I was "ready"...whatever that meant haha. I also knew there wasn't anyone else for me besides Zac. We easily could have kept dating for another couple of years and then gotten married--but when you know, you know. And when Zac knelt down on one knee to ask me to marry him, I said, "Yes."

I called Dad and told him about our engagement. He was, of course, excited...but there was something in his voice that made me wonder if I let him down. As our engagement continued, I got a call from Mom. Jim told her Dad was smoking and drinking again. She told me Dad wouldn't be able to come to my temple wedding.

My roommates had no idea how to handle my reaction. I was angry. I was bitter. I was hurt. I felt betrayed. The next day at church, I sobbed out loud while the Sacrament was passed. I'd had the feeling my father left the church a while before, but sitting in the pew with Emily and Amber on either side of me, holding my hands while I shook with tears was...painful, to say the least. As I took the Sacrament, I wanted to take whatever pain my Dad had on my own shoulders. I bore my testimony that day--and meant every single word that came out of my mouth. Later on that afternoon, I wrote in my journal: "I miss my daddy. I want him there for me...I just want my daddy back."

Time went on. Dad and I made plans for him to attend the ring ceremony. I was quite excited. And then, about a month before getting sealed to Zac, I got a call from Dad. He told me he wouldn't be able to make it out to California for the ring ceremony because of his blood clots in his leg. But underneath those words, I heard him say, "I don't have a testimony." 

I let it all out. When I get angry, like seriously pissed off, I cry. It's ugly and loud, but that's what happens. When he said that to me, I yelled. I screamed. I cried. He cried, too, which only made it worse. He kept saying "I'm sorry--I'm sorry." And in those two words, there was so much more to it than being sorry about his blood clots. It was sorrow for not being able to be there for me on my wedding day. It was sorrow for letting go of the church. Then he said, "I'll be with you when you dance with your brother for the daddy-daughter dance." He choked back a sob as he said it. We hung up.

I stormed up to the living room and cussed and yelled and felt everything inside me rip apart. Mom wanted to hold me, but I yanked myself out of her arms. And poor Julie--she had shock written all over her face. She'd never heard me cuss like that (><). Then I went downstairs and tried calling Zac. He was working. So I called Emily and she talked with me for a long time.

At the wedding, I desperately wanted Dad there the whole day. Especially when it came time for me and Jim's "Daddy-Daughter dance." We danced to Little Miss Magic. Whenever I listen to that song, I cry. I'm crying right now. 

As you can see, I was a mess--but I felt happy and loved. It wasn't so much anger as it was acceptance for whatever was to come next for me and my dad. Forgiving him has been so hard because of how much I love him. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's been a huge part of my life in the past year.

Zac just held me while we listened to Little Miss Magic. I cried on his chest and he reassured me Dad loves me. I love my dad so much. It hurts sometimes when I think about his decision to not be a member of the church anymore--but I just want him to be happy, whatever that means for him.

I love you, Dad.


Maybe I should be a gamer ballerina...Nah.

17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

I wish I was great at a lot of things...but what I'd love more than ANYTHING to be great at would be dancing or video games. Two very different things, but those are the two things I wish I was great at.

For dancing, I'd love to excel in either ballet, ballroom or hip hop. But just imagining myself dancing hip hop is embarrassing. Dancing like no one's business when it's just me and Zac in our living room is a-okay with me, especially when we're being dinosaurs. But there's just something about Dirty Dancing that just gets to me.

Lately, Zac's been playing Diablo nonstop. I don't mind at all, I just sometimes wonder what it would be like if I was an elite gamer. Right now, the best part about a video game are the people I'm with while we're playing. We have fun. I'm not competitive. But what if I was? o.O

Hmm...food for thought.

Speaking of food--Zac and I went on a date tonight!


the five best things I've done so far with my life

16. What are your five greatest accomplishments?

My Five Greatest Accomplishments
The day I went into the temple for the first time in four years.
The day I was sealed to my husband in the temple.
Receiving the Outstanding Playwriting Student Award from BYU.
Finding a major at BYU that fits me like a glove. (slam bam thank you ma'am)
Cutting my mile time down by 22 seconds at the regional meet my senior year.

Other miscellaneous accomplishments:
My first 4.0 GPA last semester.
Starring in two amazing shows at BYU--Cough/Laugh and The Stronger. (seriously changed my life)
Receiving the Outstanding Senior Award for English in high school.

Looking forward to adding more to this list!



15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

I just took my "Animal in You" personality quiz.
None whatsoever.

I am a

That's right.
Be jealous.
Here's my personality profile...if you wanted to read more about my cottontailness.
And take the test here!
I'd love to know what kind of animal personality you are.

Cottontail personalities are small, gentle individuals with a tendency towards shyness and whose instinct is to run at the first sign of danger. Their extraordinarily acute senses are well-developed and always on the lookout for any impending peril.

Cottontails are astoundingly cute and rely heavily on their soft personalities and vulnerable appearance to succeed.

These beautiful and skittish creatures have the most elegant imaginations of all; spending hours creating magnificent castles in air and populating them with an endless variety of whimsically pastoral characters. These romantic dreams dramatically influence the cottontail's behavior, and although they could be described as quirky, they're also friendly, warm, and understanding.

Although they are bright, cottontails often hide their intelligence when it interferes with their primary method of survival: cuteness! Almost all mammal personalities find them to be irresistibly attractive and they rarely need to employ their personal resources to succeed in their careers or relationships.

Their quiet, solitary behavior is often mistaken for timidness, but cottontails are actually quite aggressive in their search for resources.

Because they lack the physical strength of larger animal personalities, they must rely on their social skills to compete in the workplace.

Cottontails function best in situations that don't involve confrontations, which means they are not natural salespeople, but their ability to work with others means they are well-suited for careers in customer support, diplomacy, administrative work and nursing.

I'm not sure about any of those careers, but the personality attributes fit me very well, I think.

And here are just some other pictars I took today.
If you aren't friends with me on fb, Zac ordered pizza for us online tonight. I was quite grumpy, so when he sent in the order, he asked the delivery guy to draw "something that would cheer his wife up." And this is what he drew! A fuzzy cat jumping out of a dryer and a bear riding a bicycle! hahaha!

Best night ever.


what a dapper bear

14. Describe 5 strengths you have.

Mom and Zac both helped me compile this list.
Thinking of your personal strengths is hard, let me tell you.
Here goes nothing.

I am compassionate.

I am creative.

I am great at holding conversations.

I am passionate.

I am genuine.

Enough of that.
I love that bear.


my 5 weaknesses

13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.

Before we get to that, here's a happy pictar!

//I procrastinate...a lot\\
Procrastination and I have had an interesting relationship--one that came about my freshman year of college. I don't know why, but suddenly, the concept of hw and good grades zipped out of my mind as soon as I made friends that first semester. However, one positive I've gained from avid procrastination is a knack for completing projects and assignments with more focus than I've ever had before college. First 4.0 last semester. Whatup.

//I can be impatient\\
Impatience has always been there for me and me for it. Remember that "focus" thing I just mentioned? When I am in the zone, you better be in it, too. haha But srsly. There are days when I am the chillest penguin in existence--and other days when I want to explode because nothing is going the way I want it to. I am quite black and white in that regard--something that needs work haha.

//I focus on the details rather than the bigger picture\\
Goodness. I've lost jobs because of this. I've gotten jobs because of this. I've received horrible grades because of this. I've aced classes because of this. I don't know what it is about attention to detail that can just destroy me or build me up. When detail needs to be meticulous, call me up, man. When you need a rough sketch or a "skeleton outline"...for your own good, it'd be better for all involved if you just stayed away. Really.

//I compare myself to other people...much too often\\
I've mentioned this in my fears post, but yeah. I'd be a coward not to mention it here as a personal weakness I have. A lot of my friends get all sorts of confused when I blush or stammer after they ask me how I'm doing--when all I can think about is how much more "perfect" their lives are than mine. Sudden moments of paralyzing inadequacy grip me so tight I can't breathe and I wonder how other people can keep up with themselves.

//I let my emotions control me\\
As much as I hate to admit it, however I'm feeling in a moment can dictate my actions. On multiple occasions, other people have been hurt by my tendency follow my heart rather than my head. In other circumstances, I've been hurt because I let my emotions rule me. I get so completely frustrated sometimes. And then I realize that I'm letting my emotions get the best of me again because I'm reflecting on how emotional I can be. haha Gosh dangit. Good thing I'm a writer.

a little bit of my everyday life

12. Describe a typical day in your current life.

Wake up.

{Yes I realize I made an incomplete sentence.
I tired.

Work out.

Read scriptures.

Journal writing.

Get beautiful for work.}

Get ride to work.

Answer phones from 2pm-10pm. Be positive, attentive, and mess around on Paint focused. Read and eat pineapple. Don't read the pineapple.

{Go home.
Netflix//Movie with the Mr.
Sleepy time.}

30 Things