
my 5 weaknesses

13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.

Before we get to that, here's a happy pictar!

//I procrastinate...a lot\\
Procrastination and I have had an interesting relationship--one that came about my freshman year of college. I don't know why, but suddenly, the concept of hw and good grades zipped out of my mind as soon as I made friends that first semester. However, one positive I've gained from avid procrastination is a knack for completing projects and assignments with more focus than I've ever had before college. First 4.0 last semester. Whatup.

//I can be impatient\\
Impatience has always been there for me and me for it. Remember that "focus" thing I just mentioned? When I am in the zone, you better be in it, too. haha But srsly. There are days when I am the chillest penguin in existence--and other days when I want to explode because nothing is going the way I want it to. I am quite black and white in that regard--something that needs work haha.

//I focus on the details rather than the bigger picture\\
Goodness. I've lost jobs because of this. I've gotten jobs because of this. I've received horrible grades because of this. I've aced classes because of this. I don't know what it is about attention to detail that can just destroy me or build me up. When detail needs to be meticulous, call me up, man. When you need a rough sketch or a "skeleton outline"...for your own good, it'd be better for all involved if you just stayed away. Really.

//I compare myself to other people...much too often\\
I've mentioned this in my fears post, but yeah. I'd be a coward not to mention it here as a personal weakness I have. A lot of my friends get all sorts of confused when I blush or stammer after they ask me how I'm doing--when all I can think about is how much more "perfect" their lives are than mine. Sudden moments of paralyzing inadequacy grip me so tight I can't breathe and I wonder how other people can keep up with themselves.

//I let my emotions control me\\
As much as I hate to admit it, however I'm feeling in a moment can dictate my actions. On multiple occasions, other people have been hurt by my tendency follow my heart rather than my head. In other circumstances, I've been hurt because I let my emotions rule me. I get so completely frustrated sometimes. And then I realize that I'm letting my emotions get the best of me again because I'm reflecting on how emotional I can be. haha Gosh dangit. Good thing I'm a writer.

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