
one of my secrets

Tonight, I sat down and thought about what was on my mind. It's been a long couple of weeks and I needed to be alone for a while. And as I had a glue stick, several magazines, and markers at my disposal, I decided to make a collage. 
It's a secret creative outlet of mine. I love finding out what's going on inside my head through pictures and words I can cut out and then paste down on paper. It's intoxicating. Really. That's about as crafty as I get..I'm not much of a seamstress or cook--but I love creating art (if you'd call it art). haha I came up with this collage's little blurb off the top of my head--what I wrote down in permanent marker stayed that way on the first try. And while it isn't perfect, I do enjoy what I made. I think I may make this a habit for the summer. :]

As a side note, I also got an awesome lip balm today at walmart! eos lip balm. I am officially addicted to the stuff. I tried getting a picture of it (as you can see) but the flash wiped out the name! Fiddlesticks.


Emily said...

making collages with you is one of the coolest things I've ever done :)

Unknown said...