i a m p r o u d o f m y s e l f
My summer job ended yesterday.
Back in April, my calls averaged around 350+ seconds.
At the end of my stay with Devcon, my average dropped down to 264.
My fastest average for a day?
216 seconds.
Bam that's how it's done.
See how happy I was yesterday? haha
I wanted to make each call count, so I didn't pay too much attention on keeping my average down. I focused on each customer, sales rep, and technician. One adorable old man asked me at the end of a call if I was a voice recording. I laughed and said I was indeed real. He laughed for a long time. Smiles all around. Also, Zac and I decided to compare our call stats of the day and relate them to pokemon stats. We divided the different calls into five categories (Credit Checks//HP, Welcome//Attack, Tech Set Up//Defense, Signals and QA//Special, Other//Speed). I TOTALLY WON. My HP and Attack doubled Zacs, but my defense was quite low. hahaha He's the greatest, right?
After work, Josh, Zac, and I went to In-N-Out for some celebrating.
Today, Zac went to work while I stayed home to get ready for his family coming to visit.
Here's how my day went:
Alarm went off at nine.
Woke up multiple times, got out of bed at 9:40.
Washed face, put on clothes, kissed Zac goodbye, went on errands with Emily and Tim.
Zac worked from 11am-7pm.
I came home from errands, napped, cleaned the house, did the laundry, vacuumed (thank you Bro//Sis Black!!) washed dishes, and almost finished the bathroom before Zac got home.
On my way to and fro the laundromat, I found a rather odd thing hiding behind some bushes.
Tonight, I made dinner using a recipe I found on pinterest.
Sometimes, I make delicious things.
And sometimes I can't help but being really proud of myself.
I like home.
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