
sunday thoughts

count your blessings. hymn 241.

attitude of gratitude. 1 thessalonians 5: 16-17.

how lucky are we to have each other, hold each other, listen to each other, love each other? friendship and family can help the hard times somewhat bearable. i have a simple testimony that my family loves me. i love them so much, my heart might break. i have a simple testimony of how valuable my friends are to me. it's amazing how love can change who you are. just a simple and uncomplicated love. let it in and keep it there.

one day out of my week i get to show my savior i love him. it's simple and uncomplicated. i think i need to keep my sundays more simple and uncomplicated. we'll see how that goes. :]

thank you for talking with me daddy. thank you for letting me cry. thank you for hearing me out and giving me your afternoon. thank you for reminding me i'm your daughter and you are my first love. 

i love prayer. best time in my morning. quiet, peaceful, thoughtful.

good sunday listening. (she was in my creative writing class!)

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