

Okay. Here's the deal. I am awake and shouldn't be--fell asleep 3 hours ago (5 am) and woke up 20 minutes ago (8 am) with all these self-imposed (and very real) deadlines for my blog rushing through my head, and decided to do something crazy. Cray cray (haha). Seeing as summer officially ends in TWO DAYS, I have several posts I promised myself (and you!) to finish before school starts.
Today, Aug 25 2012, will be deemed a WRITE-A-THON. That's right (write) haha. Oh gosh I want my bed. No. You can do this. My eyes are so itchy. Don't think about it. Morning breath. Bleck. (Note to self: Brush teeth) Let's do this!
Check back here TODAY for these posts:

Up First: a good old fashioned rant (all about a book called Bitten) *shudder*
Next: the last few posts of my 30 things list!
And Later: my summer playlist and booklist (musicians i listened to non-stop and fantastic books i read)

I think that looks about perfect for the line-up I have for today. :] Some encouragement would be lovely! You guys are awesome. :D:D:D:D

1 comment:

annie said...

I am especially excited for the last of your 30 Things posts! I love those posts! When I'm laying in bed is when I always think of what to post about too! But I rarely actually post what I thought about posting when I was in bed, so good job actually doing it!