
Day 01

Happy Smile Peanut Butter!

I just ate a nutella and peanut butter sandwich...and then decided to look at the Health & Fitness board on Pinterest. Good golly. Why? Why would I do that? Then I get all uncomfortable because I know my body isn't what it used to be. Thank goodness for Mother Nature and a high metabolism...but I don't feel as happy or as fit as I know I could.

Here goes.

I want to get back into the everyday running routine I practiced for xc and track season in high school. It was hard, grueling work. But I loved my body and the sassy attitude I had then. Confidence was always there (haha not in the beginning, but grew as I kept going). The farthest/fastest I've ever ran with two stretch outs was 10 miles in about an hour and forty-five/fifty minutes (or so...hard to remember that far back ;]). I want to beat that record and run a half marathon before I graduate college (next April). It's been a goal of mine since high school.

My Stats (Current)
107-110 lbs 
(haha We don't have a scale...but that's a pretty good estimate)

Here's to a healthier//happier me. :]

1 comment:

Jess said...

LOVE nutella.
Especially nutella pb oatmeal.