
Apparently, I've got a lot on my mind. :/

My Results of Tonight's Apples to Apples Game:
Trustworthy- I sometimes think of myself as anyone's confidante. A constant companion, if you will. However, when I do fall short of other's expectations, it is  that much more painful. :( I am often a people pleaser. Do you ever feel the need to lie to remain trustworthy? I'm not admitting to this thought process, but the question just entered my mind while typing. >< I know that's a sick and twisted perspective. But what about those husbands and wives who've cheated on one another yet keep up the lie of their marriage to seem trustworthy? That's a very sad scenario, I know. But realizing you aren't trustworthy anymore is a sad scenario, too. :( How would you get to being trustworthy again in that situation? Is there any hope? What about in general? How would you get back to being someone anyone could trust? Would you even feel that you could be a trustworthy person again?
Inspirational- I've never really thought of myself as inspirational. Those who've been close with me would possibly disagree with that assessment of myself. They've seen how I've made mistakes and gotten back up and dusted myself off. They've seen me go through hell to prove a heavenly experience is obtainable. They've seen me work hard for a high goal I set for myself. However, they've also seen me stumble over and over again and I know they've probably wondered when I would finally learn my lesson. They've seen me take for granted my blessings and throw them away for immediate gratification. They've seen me procrastinate and the results are only frustration, bitterness, and self-deprecation. Lately, though, I've gotten a few comments concerning my engagement. They've called it "inspirational." :D:D:D I could never be more touched. Honestly, the process Zac and I went through to be who we are today truly is inspirational. :) To hear people say that our relationship makes them want what we have is so moving. I can't believe I am worthy of a man like him. I never thought that I could be so blessed as to have my best friend as my promised. I didn't think it was possible for another person to make me want to be better. And that's true inspiration: To want to be better for others, not for yourself. :)
Magical- hahahaha Oh, how many times I've wanted to be a witch. Harry Potter ftw. If I was on a Quidditch team, they'd probably put me as Seeker, even though I'd be so scared to have that much pressure on me to win the game. >< So on second thought, I'd probably be a Chaser. Just passing the Quaffle like no one's business. :) I wouldn't mind hitting a Bludger every once in a while, though. Man, I think I'd probably rule at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Yeah, that seems a very "Chelsea" class. hahaha Classes I'd see myself struggling with are: Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, and Potions. Transfiguration just sounds very complicated. I think I'd be good at it with a ton of outside class work. Ancient Runes just sounds like a class I would need to take for my Magical profession (maybe?) but one that I'd absolutely loathe. And Potions sounds like (to me) the chemistry/physics equivalent in our world. (I'm just taking a guess ><) hahaha I was so overjoyed when I got a 93 on my Stoichiometry test I took my junior year in high school. In fact, I ran out of the room and hugged the first person I saw in the hallway. I think it was Michaleyn? Maybe it was Smantha? haha I can't remember. >< That was the best I ever did. Most of my tests averaged around 78s-85s. I had a solid B in Chemistry all year long. While I'm on the subject of Harry Potter, I have also often wondered which house I'd be in. Most quizzes I've taken have either told me Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I fondly think of myself as a Gryffinpuff. Or maybe a Huffindor. hahahahhaa Oh gosh. >< 
Saintly- Hmmm. This adjective is a hard one to analyze without stepping on some toes. >< Let's just leave it as is. Saintly.
Visionary- Hmmm. This is also a difficult one. I've gotten better at balancing between planning ahead and living in the present. Yeah!
Boring- I hope I'm boring. I hope I'm the most boring person you ever meet. I hope that I far surpass your expectations on boredom and monotony. :)
Selfish- I am very selfish. Very, very selfish. ><
Frightening- Chelsea turns into a Frightening Chelsea when: A) I haven't gotten enough sleep B) I've been woken up by something else other than my alarm or my own instincts. C) I am hungry D) All of the above. >< (Watch out).
Crazed- Yes. I am. I plan on being that creepy cat lady down the street when I've passed the point of no return. I'll be washing cats in rivers and throwing them at passerbies. Zac will be right along side me, with his pants around his ankles, waving and laughing. We're so eccentric. And crude. ><
Wicked- What a lovely lovely lovely adjective. There's something so mysterious and forbidden about it that makes it that much more desirable. Whenever I see this adjective, I immediately think of Something Wicked This Way Comes, which is an awesome story. Then I think of The Stand by Stephen King. Then I think of The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub. So you see, wickedness needs to exist for righteousness. It also needs to exist to create wonderful characters. It also needs to exist to make girl's hearts go pitter-patter. :) Hopefully I'm no the only girl whose heart goes pitter-patter when a wicked character comes into play. hahahhaha ><

Lastly, I know this is totally random, but here's a picture of the temple I'm getting sealed to my best friend in! :D

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