Hey, you! Guess what?
No, I'm not just gonna tell you. You need to guess!
We'll do a countdown! Three, two, one...Guess!
I'm serious. Guess.
I'm not playing around here.
I'll give you a hint, if you want.
FINE. I'll tell you.
Daw! Thank you!
I know, right!? So crazy!
I am so happy.
...And, yeah, I'm 20.
Zac's eyes are currently glued to the television. We're watching Ed, Edd, n Eddy! So freaking good. :)
Hawaii is so beautiful and I can't believe we're here. Zac and I are just relaxing and enjoying one another's company after many months of stress and planning for the wedding.
Speaking of my wedding...I NEED TO WRITE ABOUT IT. :)
[Haha, not to worry. I didn't just come up with that realization. I've been planning to write about the wedding the whole time. That's what this post is about...The Wedding Day and the week leading up to it].
Monday, June 20th- Mom and I left Arizona at 7 am to drive to Simi Valley, California. Mom and I stopped by a huge and wonderful outlet mall somewhere in California. I got a super duper cute dress and cardigan for my endowment session at the temple and for the honeymoon in Hawaii. :) We made it to Simi Valley around 3 pm and mom met Zac's step-mom, Amer (Annamarie), Ian (Zac's 3 year old brother), and Sammy, Zac's wonderful dog. So happy! Then mom met Zac's dad, Marc, a little bit later! Later that night, mom, Zac, and I went to the wedding cake decorator's home to taste test the cake samples. Ohhh. My. Gosh. We decided on a marble cake batter with her homemade strawberry and chocolate filling. We were so happy with the wonderful job she did and this was her second ever wedding cake! So amazing! Then Zac and I went on a much needed date. We went to a Borders, reading children's books and holding hands in the sofa chairs. Then we walked to his movie theatre and saw Midnight in Paris... SO BEAUTIFUL. I didn't know if I'd like it all that much, but man, was I wrong. Zac and I just loved it.
Tuesday, June 21st- Mom, Zac, Karen (Zac's mommy), and I went to Ventura to get the marriage license. Hooray legal obligations! Then mom, Zac, and I went to a nearby beach. Mom hadn't been to a beach since she was 10 when we first buried our feet in the sand. She was so delighted and delightful. :) Afterwards, we went to The Habit, an amazing burger place. Mom loved her food and said she'd never eaten something so amazing. :D Ha! California is just too good. :) Later on that night, Zac had his interview with the stake president and he passed with flying colors (obviously). :)
Wednesday, June 22nd- Mom woke up all frazzled and intense. She jumped out of the bed we shared and said that we needed to get to the flower market in LA that morning, not the next morning like we originally planned. I shot to my feet and ran into Zac's room to wake him up. We were out the door in 15 minutes at 9 am. The one hour drive from Simi to LA was so fun! We had fun listening to music and chatting during traffic. Once we got to the LA Flower Market, though, we were all business. Or, more accurately, mom was. Man! It was so amazing seeing her in action. She was a florist for 21 years before she "retired" to be a stay-at-home mom. Having her do all the flowers for the wedding was so touching and I knew she was going to be amazing. She didn't disappoint. :) Thank you, mom. Then we picked up Emily and Tim from the LAX airport! I LOVED SEEING HER AND TIM AGAIN! As did Zac and mom. :D Later on that night I had my bridal shower! Sooo much fun! Zac, Tim, and Poter went to Sky High, a tumbling gym, for an impromptu bachelor party. They also went to Five Guys.
Thursday, June 23rd- Mom woke up super early to pick up Jim from the airport in LA and then had lunch with her brother (my uncle) who she hadn't seen in 20 years. Back in Simi, friends and family got together at the reception venue to start decorating. Paul, Melissa, and Julie arrived in Simi in the early afternoon and it was so good seeing them again! Then I went lingerie shopping with Karen and Zac's sister, Stephanie. hahahah We had some major fun. >< Then we rushed home to get me changed and presentable for my temple endowment session at 5:30. I was so nervous and I couldn't believe that it was finally here! I won't go into specifics, obviously, but the temple is so amazing. And my love for Zac grew to an unimaginable level. Being worthy of the temple and the blessings it provides was such an overwhelming feeling. I was crying the moment I stepped into the temple. I left behind my past and stepped into my future, clinging to my testimony of Christ and my love for Zac and my family. :) Finally, I took a sleeping pill and packed up my things and went with all the girls to Karen's house. I got a full body massage from Stephanie, who's a registered message therapist. SO AWESOME. Emily and I talked for a good two hours, enjoying one another's thoughts and impressions. I love her so.
Friday, June 24th- THE WEDDING DAY! I'll just do a chronological list...>< Bear with me...if you're still reading! hahaha :)
7:36 am- Woken up by my beautiful mother who drove over from Marc's house with Tim in tow. I was grumpy and my eyes hurt. :)
8:01 am- Out of the shower, legs shaven, glowing with happiness for the day ahead. :)
8:05 am-9:11 am- Getting my hair moussed, blow-dried, curled, and hair sprayed while playing word games with Julie and mom. :)
9:15 am-9:30 am- Oatmeal and strawberries with whipped cream for breakfast! Yum! :)
9:32 am- Woke up Melissa. :)
9:35 am- Mom drove back to Marc's house to get the waterproof mascara I forgot. ><
9:46 am- Mom hurried through my makeup and I still looked amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH, MOM!
10:15 am- All the girls in tow with the wedding dress, drove to the temple.
11:10 am- Parked, lugged the wedding dress, duffel bag of clothes, flowers, and makeup case into the temple lobby. Waved goodbye to Emily, Melissa, and Julie.
11:23 am- Met up with Zac, Marc, Paul, Amer, and one of Amer's friends. Zac and I had yet another interview with a temple worker to verify everything with us and the importance of our temple sealing. :):)
11:30 am- Got ready in all my bridal glory. *blush blush* Mom and I were hugging and holding hands the whole time.
12:30 pm- I was sealed for all time and eternity to Zachary Scott Hickman. We made covenants with one another and God in the holy temple.
1:10 pm- Back in the Bride's Room to do some touch ups with makeup and hair for the wedding photos. Mom put yellow roses in my hair and helped me put on my yellow Vans. She also finished making Zac's boutineer and put an adorable ribbon around the bouquet. Packed up everything. Met up with Zac, who looked so handsome in his grey tux and yellow tie.
1:30 pm- Stepped outside the temple for pictures with family and friends. :) Ethan then asked for all friends and family to leave so he could be alone with Zac and me. So many pictures! Wah! Can't wait to see them!
2:15 pm- Traveled back to LA with mom, listening to the new Ludo CD!!! Man, so good.
3:30 pm- Called everyone to head over to Red Robin for a quick wedding party luncheon. So good! I was stressed the whole time, worrying about the ring ceremony at 5:30.
5:00 pm- Zac and I left with Karen to pick up my garter (ahem) which I forgot at Marc's house.
5:20 pm- Finally at the church building for the ring ceremony and reception! We set up chairs and tables outside under the pavilion. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. I was driven across the parking lot so as to keep tradition that "no one" sees the bride before she walks down the aisle. That proved to be difficult. hahaha A crisis suddenly sprung up while I was in my remote location in the parking lot, waiting to be driven over to the pavilion. Mom came rushing over to me, breathless, and told me Zac's wedding ring was lost! I was so scared! hahaha The box was empty and he got it mixed up with my wedding ring box. Anyway, the point is, we found the ring and everything was running smoothly again. Whew.
5:41 pm- Mom drove me over to the pavilion and then walked me down the aisle to my husband. Zac and I then had Shane Hull tell all in attendance how important the temple sealing is and explained the sacredness of the temple. He then asked Zac and I to say a few words with one another and all our friends and family.We then exchanged rings and had a good long kiss. :) Our family and close friends then got up and shared their love for me and Zac with everyone. Not a single eye was dry. Well, except for Ian, who was running around, playing with his toy cars. :)
6:00 pm-Whenever it ended (Time kind of escaped me haha) - RECEPTION TIME! We greeted everyone, said our thank yous, and then our first dance! The Luckiest by Ben Folds. Daddy/Daughter dance with my little brother. Little Miss Magic by Jimmy Buffet.
Zac and I broke the knife during the infamous cake cutting! >< Then we did the garter and bouquet toss. hahaha Zac was super silly while getting the garter. :) And my little sister Julie caught the bouquet! Yay! We also had family pictures taken and then we danced for a good hour. :) Ian even danced!
A perfect day.
And now for some pictars! :D
Missy Cox did such a WONDERFUL job with the cake! Look! Quail and everything! |
Listening to friends and family during the ring ceremony :) |
Aren't these table decorations just adorable?! |
Carefully inspecting the cake... |
Yes! Julie caught the bouquet! :D
Zac's little sister, Danielle! So cute!
Mom puts up with me :) |
I just love Zac's face in this! :D |
Good work, team! |