
good night, tuesday

Today shall go down in history.
My first ever hair tutorial, perfect for the summer!
I thought I'd get a haircut today, but alas, due to Pioneer Day, all the salons I'd looked at were closed.
Kinda a bummer.
But then I took a nap, calmed down, and decided to do a hair tutorial.
A lot of people liked how my hair looked in this post, so I thought I'd share how to do it! Super easy and super pretty. :) My kinda girlishness.
Now let's get real.

1. Separate your hair in two sections.
(Note: I used day old hair. My hair needs to be a little greasy for it to stick. haha ><)

2. Separate one section of hair into two sections. 
3. Twist the sections around up the side of your pretty little head.
4. Pin in place.

Yup. That just happened.

5. Repeat on the other side of your pretty little head.

6. Secure in place with more bobbie pins.
7. Tuck away any fly aways and smooth a little hairspray over the not so smooth places.


what i consider to be my "hobbies"

23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

Gonna be honest. The word "hobby" is odd to me. I do what I feel like doing whenever I feel like doing it. During school, I love school. I love studying (most of the time) and I love homework (if I could be a forever student, that'd be my dream). During the summer, I work, watch movies, hang out with Zac and Josh, and sometimes wake up before 10. "Hobbies" just kind of come in and fit in where I want them to. Making this list was ridiculous. As you'll find out.
Also, I didn't have 5 top hobbies. That's asking a bit much. I only have four. So there! haha


can include, but not limited to,

hours to kill
construction paper
neat things i find out and about

can include, but not limited to,


can include, but not limited to,

devcon security scripts

Anything Zac Related
can include, but not limited to,

dinosaur dancing
bed jumping
piggy back riding
face smashing
hand holding
arm licking (ew)
butterfly kissing
goose flapping
chicken clucking
I was gonna put up a video of me clucking, but decided against it. You wouldn't believe how awkward it can get clucking at a camera. hahaha Oh gosh. I'm lame.

30 Things


oh gosh don't look over here.

I'm still awake.
Because I just got home from the dark knight rises midnight premier. 
I'll write more about it later.
Because I'm still awake and I don't want to be.

Zac and I also ran into his ex girlfriend and her husband at the premier.
He hasn't seen her in about 3 years.
I'll leave it at that.
haha Definitely hilarious and a little awkward.


the little engine that could!

(sort that out as you may)

I submitted my first play for production at The Echo Theatre. The Echo is a relatively new theatre in Provo, Utah dedicated to new art and new artists. Utah Shakespeare in the Park sent all of its members an email about a month ago saying that The Echo is launching their Echo10 Project
So I set to work revising and editing a ten minute play I finished last October...and I stepped into no man's land and submitted it by hand to The Echo. I walked away from the theatre feeling...relieved, anxious, blissful, and courageous. Yeah, that about sums it up. And I honestly have no idea where this little act of confidence will take me. But just putting my work in someone else's hands...for the first time...I just. I just have no words. I'm excited. I'm nervous. And I'm pretty stinkin' proud of myself.
You can read my play here.
And here are some pictures cataloging my experience. haha

this is my "excited-freaked-out-whatamidoinghere" face

and here are some completely unrelated pictures of the date Zac and I went on tonight. haha

To quote Ferris:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

someday I'm gonna be 40. wat.

22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

//5 Years\\
Age: 26
Education: Graduated from BYU. Pursuing a MA in Theatre.
Family: Supporting Zac through medical school. Cuddling with our kittie(s). Having our first baby? ><
Profession: Whatever I can get.

//10 Years\\
Age: 31
Education: Graduated with MA in Theatre--Having my full length show put on by graduate students.
Family: Zac's in the thick of his residency. Baby#1 starting kindergarten. Kitty overweight and prone to sleeping on my face. Mayhaps Baby#2 on the way.
Profession: Mommy. Playwright. Theatre teacher part-time//full time.

//15 Years\\
Age: 36
Family: Zac's a full on doctor {a successful anesthesiologist} and Baby#1's first crush comes along. Baby#2 turned out to have a twin {haha what're the odds?}. One more kitty and a puppy. 
Profession: More plays--First movie? Novel? Television? 

Wow. I'll be 40 someday.


VAP! Invisible!

21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

I'm pretty sure my first thought after reading this prompt was: "I'd much rather be the villain." And that's a little weird, I know, but see here's the thing. I feel like I'm a pretty good person...most of the time, anyway. I try to be, at least. I help out, I care, I listen, and all that. But I've always wanted to be the villain in a show. It's never gonna happen, I know. But it'd be neat, that's for sure.  

If I could have one superpower [that I'd use however and whichever way I wanted] I think it'd be invisibility. Oh. I'd love that. If I needed to be alone, no problem. Vap! Invisible! Needed to sneak up on a bad guy? Vap! Invisible! Needed to give the good guy a wedgie? Vap! Invisible! See? So many options! And no one would know it was me.

I know, I know. It's a pretty basic superpower, but think about the profound effects it'd have! Think about the most embarrassing moment you've ever had and then imagine having the ability to completely disengage yourself from the situation because you can't be seen. Gah. Middle school would've been so much easier. :] hahaha

The first thing I'd do with my invisibility? Definitely go to the zoo when it's closed. Or become a spy. Or wear Zac's glasses.

What would your superpower be?


this calls for a celebration!

I surprised myself in more ways than one today.

1) I made a successful hairbow.
2) I made the Dean's list for the College of Fine Arts.

Happeh Chelsea is happeh.

Stay tuned for my next 30 Things post!
If you could have any super power, what would it be and what would you do with it first?


one of my secrets

Tonight, I sat down and thought about what was on my mind. It's been a long couple of weeks and I needed to be alone for a while. And as I had a glue stick, several magazines, and markers at my disposal, I decided to make a collage. 
It's a secret creative outlet of mine. I love finding out what's going on inside my head through pictures and words I can cut out and then paste down on paper. It's intoxicating. Really. That's about as crafty as I get..I'm not much of a seamstress or cook--but I love creating art (if you'd call it art). haha I came up with this collage's little blurb off the top of my head--what I wrote down in permanent marker stayed that way on the first try. And while it isn't perfect, I do enjoy what I made. I think I may make this a habit for the summer. :]

As a side note, I also got an awesome lip balm today at walmart! eos lip balm. I am officially addicted to the stuff. I tried getting a picture of it (as you can see) but the flash wiped out the name! Fiddlesticks.



In which we celebrate

Don't mind my wrinkled shirt.
It's my favorite.


Happy 4th Everyone!
Today, Zac and I were called into work an hour early because they were grossly understaffed and way in queue. It was the busiest day ever for about 2 hours. Then things calmed down and Zac and I were sent home early! Hooray!
We spent the evening with Emily and Tim.
I held my first sparkler
I named my turtle fireworks Rodney and Theodore.
{so cute}
We ate KitKats and Mini Resee's.
We watched a pretty sweet fireworks show.
You've done good, America.
You done good.


those were the days...

20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.

//My First Whatchamacallit\\
It was a Wednesday night and I was at a church activity...and really bored. Me and my risky friends were playing hide and go seek, running around with our shoes off. We didn't tell anyone what we were up to because we knew they'd stop us (haha). I decided to hide in the chapel overflow room. All the lights were off and it was hard to see, but I thought that was to my advantage. Silly Chelsea. Stuffing myself in between the cinder block wall and the overflow's accordion door, I knew I found the perfect hiding spot. Then I waited...and soon realized I needed to use the little lady's room. After fighting with myself if I should leave and give up my perfect hiding spot or stay and wet my pants, I decided to leave. As I did, I tripped, and the back of my ankle was sliced open by the metal edge along the bottom of the accordion door. I fell over and screamed. My cover was blown.

My friends came in and helped me up--my mother was called and I felt terrible getting blood all over the carpet. I went to the ER and got stitched up...which wasn't enjoyable. But then, after a long night, mom and I shared a Whatchmacallit. My first one!

//My First Kiss\\
Everyone has this story, right? Well mine was a little silly. I was ten and seriously crushing on my best friend's older brother. After begging our parents to let me stay the night, they eventually agreed, and as it turned out, the older brother's cousin was staying the night as well. I also happened to have a little crush on the cousin. >< Anyway, me and my girlfriend were doing something (I don't know...playing with horses?) and then a note slipped underneath her bedroom door. It read something like this: "Chelsea--Do you like us? Check Yes or No." I checked Yes then slid the note back under the door. We heard laughter on the other side. Then the note slid back under the door with a new question: "Do you want to kiss us?" I looked at my friend, blushing, and asked her what I should do. It would be my first kiss! She said to go for it, so I checked Yes. My first kiss was with two boys. And my foot definitely popped twice. hahahah :)

//My First Hosing\\
One day, Dad told my brother and I not to play on the mud hill outside our apartment complex. Then he sent us on our merry way. What did we do? We played on the mud hill, of course. We played king of the hill, threw handfuls of mud at each other, screamed, laughed, just had a blast. Then we realized that we'd have to go back inside to take a shower...and Dad would know what we did. I knocked on the front door and stared at my caked feet. The door opened and I heard Dad take in a breath.

Then he took me and my brother to the back porch, stripped us naked, and hosed us down.

So embarrassing.